Custom expressions: cast number to string

I have the following custom column expression: concat(floor([Duration, days] / 91) * 3, ".."). I want to get duration grouped per 3 months and show “0…2”, “3…5” etc. (I’ve omitted the bit after “…” for now). However, it gives me the following error message:

Value does not match schema: {:query {:expressions {:Duration, mnth. (named [nil (named (named (not (some-matching-condition? a-clojure.lang.PersistentVector)) "Must be a valid instance of one of these clauses: :field-id, :field-literal, :joined-field, :fk->, :datetime-field, :expression, :binning-strategy") "a") nil] "Must be a valid instance of one of these clauses: :substring, :trim, :ltrim, :rtrim, :replace, :lower, :upper, :concat, :regex-match-first, :coalesce")}}}

I suppose, there is no casting from number to string?

Hi @andreychirikba
Create two expressions - one for the math part, and one for the concat, where you use the first expression in the concat. - upvote by clicking :+1: on the first post