Embeding whole Metabase application

I tried to embed the entire Metabase application (testmetabasecom) into my application (myappcom) using [iframe].
I need to automatically show the Metabase application in [iframe] without filling in the username / password, based only on users who are already logged into my application.
Should I generate a token and put it somewhere in an iframe src, for example [iframe src=“http://testmetabasecom/TOKEN”][/iframe]?

Hi @vadym
Have you read the documentation guide about embedding?

Hi @flamber.
Yes, I read this guide. This tutorial has an example with /embed/dashboard/TOKEN, but I didn’t ask about embedding dashboards or question, I asked about embedding the whole application.
e.g. http://_mymetabase_com NOT http://_mymetabase_com/embed/dashboard

@vadym That’s only possible with Enterprise Edition with Full App Embedding.