Getting multiple react error in development environment

I am getting tons of react related errors like following.

Warning: Unknown props `collectionId`, `dispatch`, `fetchList`, `fetch`, `create`, `update`, `setArchived`, `setCollection`, `fetched`, `loading`, `error`, `reload`, `object`, `remove` on <a> tag. Remove these props from the element. For details, see
in a (created by Link)
in Link (created by BaseLink)
in BaseLink (created by Link)

Warning: Each child in an array or iterator should have a unique "key" prop. Check the render method of `ButtonBar`. It was passed a child from ViewFooter. See for more information.
    in QuestionEmbedWidgetTrigger (created by ViewFooter)
    in ButtonBar (created by ViewFooter)
    in div

I feel it may be dependecy issue.

$ yarn --version
$ nodejs --version

$ yarn 
yarn install v1.22.5

$ echo $npm_execpath | grep -q yarn || echo '\033[0;33mSorry, npm is not supported. Please use Yarn (\033[0m'
[1/5] Validating package.json...
[2/5] Resolving packages...
success Already up-to-date.
Done in 0.78s.

$ yarn check
yarn check v1.22.5
info fsevents@1.2.13: The platform "linux" is incompatible with this module.
info "fsevents@1.2.13" is an optional dependency and failed compatibility check. Excluding it from installation.
info fsevents@2.1.3: The platform "linux" is incompatible with this module.
info "fsevents@2.1.3" is an optional dependency and failed compatibility check. Excluding it from installation.
error "@cypress/webpack-preprocessor#webpack@^4.18.1" doesn't satisfy found match of "webpack@3.12.0"
warning "table#ajv-keywords#ajv@>=4.10.0" could be deduped from "6.12.6" to "ajv@6.12.6"
error Found 1 errors.
info Visit for documentation about this command.

Will somebody know what can be causing it?

yarn outdated v1.22.5
info Color legend :
"" : Major Update backward-incompatible updates
"" : Minor Update backward-compatible features
"" : Patch Update backward-compatible bug fixes
Package Current Wanted Latest Package Type URL
@cypress/webpack-preprocessor 4.1.5 4.1.5 5.4.10 devDependencies cypress/npm/webpack-preprocessor at master · cypress-io/cypress · GitHub
@slack/client 3.16.0 3.16.0 5.0.2 devDependencies Slack | Migrating to v5.x
@testing-library/cypress 5.3.1 5.3.1 7.0.1 devDependencies GitHub - testing-library/cypress-testing-library: 🐅 Simple and complete custom Cypress commands and utilities that encourage good testing practices.
@testing-library/jest-dom 4.2.4 4.2.4 5.11.5 devDependencies GitHub - testing-library/jest-dom: 🦉 Custom jest matchers to test the state of the DOM
babel-eslint 7.2.3 7.2.3 10.1.0 devDependencies GitHub - babel/babel-eslint: 🗼 A wrapper for Babel's parser used for ESLint (renamed to @babel/eslint-parser)
babel-loader 7.1.5 7.1.5 8.1.0 devDependencies GitHub - babel/babel-loader: 📦 Babel loader for webpack
chevrotain 6.5.0 6.5.0 7.0.3 dependencies
concurrently 3.6.1 3.6.1 5.3.0 devDependencies GitHub - kimmobrunfeldt/concurrently: Moved under
css-loader 0.28.11 0.28.11 5.0.1 devDependencies GitHub - webpack-contrib/css-loader: CSS Loader
cypress 3.8.2 3.8.2 5.5.0 resolutionDependencies GitHub - cypress-io/cypress: Fast, easy and reliable testing for anything that runs in a browser.
cypress 3.8.2 3.8.2 5.5.0 devDependencies GitHub - cypress-io/cypress: Fast, easy and reliable testing for anything that runs in a browser.
d3 3.5.17 3.5.17 6.2.0 dependencies
d3-scale 2.2.2 2.2.2 3.2.3 dependencies d3-scale | D3 by Observable
dc 2.1.9 2.1.9 4.2.0 dependencies dc.js - Dimensional Charting Javascript Library
diff 3.5.0 3.5.0 4.0.2 dependencies GitHub - kpdecker/jsdiff: A javascript text differencing implementation.
documentation 4.0.0 4.0.0 13.1.0 devDependencies
enzyme-2 2.9.1 exotic exotic devDependencies npm:enzyme@2
eslint 3.19.0 3.19.0 7.12.1 devDependencies
eslint-import-resolver-webpack 0.8.4 0.8.4 0.13.0 devDependencies eslint-plugin-import/resolvers/webpack at main · import-js/eslint-plugin-import · GitHub
eslint-loader 1.9.0 1.9.0 4.0.2 devDependencies GitHub - webpack-contrib/eslint-loader: [DEPRECATED] A ESlint loader for webpack
eslint-plugin-flowtype 2.50.3 2.50.3 5.2.0 devDependencies GitHub - gajus/eslint-plugin-flowtype: Flow type linting rules for ESLint.
eslint-plugin-jasmine 2.10.1 2.10.1 4.1.1 devDependencies GitHub - tlvince/eslint-plugin-jasmine: ESLint rules for Jasmine
eslint-plugin-react 6.10.3 6.10.3 7.21.5 devDependencies GitHub - jsx-eslint/eslint-plugin-react: React-specific linting rules for ESLint
exports-loader 0.6.4 0.6.4 1.1.1 devDependencies GitHub - webpack-contrib/exports-loader: Exports Loader
file-loader 0.11.2 0.11.2 6.2.0 devDependencies GitHub - webpack-contrib/file-loader: File Loader
flow-bin 0.37.4 0.37.4 0.137.0 devDependencies GitHub - flow/flow-bin: Binary wrapper for Flow - A static type checker for JavaScript
grid-styled 4.1.0 4.1.0 5.0.2 dependencies
history 3.3.0 3.3.0 5.0.0 dependencies GitHub - remix-run/history: Manage session history with JavaScript
html-webpack-harddisk-plugin 0.1.0 0.1.0 1.0.2 devDependencies GitHub - jantimon/html-webpack-harddisk-plugin: Write html files to hard disk even when using the webpack dev server or middleware
html-webpack-plugin 2.30.1 2.30.1 4.5.0 devDependencies GitHub - jantimon/html-webpack-plugin: Simplifies creation of HTML files to serve your webpack bundles
icepick 2.3.0 2.3.0 2.4.0 dependencies GitHub - aearly/icepick: Utilities for treating frozen JavaScript objects as persistent immutable collections
iframe-resizer 3.6.6 3.6.6 4.2.11 dependencies GitHub - davidjbradshaw/iframe-resizer: Keep same and cross domain iFrames sized to their content with support for window/content resizing, in page links, nesting and multiple iFrames
image-diff 1.6.3 1.6.3 2.0.0 devDependencies GitHub - uber-archive/image-diff: Create image differential between two images
imports-loader 0.7.1 0.7.1 1.2.0 devDependencies GitHub - webpack-contrib/imports-loader: Imports Loader
isomorphic-fetch 2.2.1 2.2.1 3.0.0 dependencies Issues · matthew-andrews/isomorphic-fetch · GitHub
jasmine 2.99.0 2.99.0 3.6.3 devDependencies
jasmine-core 2.99.1 2.99.1 3.6.0 devDependencies
jasmine-spec-reporter 3.3.0 3.3.0 6.0.0 devDependencies GitHub - bcaudan/jasmine-spec-reporter: Real time console spec reporter for jasmine testing framework
jest 19.0.2 19.0.2 26.6.3 devDependencies
jscodeshift 0.5.0 0.5.0 0.11.0 devDependencies GitHub - facebook/jscodeshift: A JavaScript codemod toolkit.
jsonwebtoken 7.4.3 7.4.3 8.5.1 devDependencies GitHub - auth0/node-jsonwebtoken: JsonWebToken implementation for node.js
jsrsasign 7.2.2 7.2.2 10.0.5 dependencies jsrsasign - cryptography library in JavaScript
leaflet-draw 0.4.14 0.4.14 1.0.4 dependencies GitHub - Leaflet/Leaflet.draw: Vector drawing and editing plugin for Leaflet
lint-staged 3.6.1 3.6.1 10.5.1 devDependencies GitHub - lint-staged/lint-staged: 🚫💩 — Run linters on git staged files
mockdate 2.0.5 2.0.5 3.0.2 devDependencies GitHub - boblauer/MockDate: A JavaScript Mock Date object that can be used to change when "now" is.
moment 2.19.3 2.19.3 2.29.1 dependencies
mustache 2.3.2 2.3.2 4.0.1 dependencies GitHub - janl/mustache.js: Minimal templating with {{mustaches}} in JavaScript
postcss-cssnext 2.11.0 2.11.0 3.1.0 devDependencies
postcss-import 9.1.0 9.1.0 13.0.0 devDependencies GitHub - postcss/postcss-import: PostCSS plugin to inline at-import rules content
postcss-loader 2.1.6 2.1.6 4.0.4 devDependencies GitHub - webpack-contrib/postcss-loader: PostCSS loader for webpack
postcss-url 6.3.1 6.3.1 10.1.0 devDependencies GitHub - postcss/postcss-url: PostCSS plugin to rebase url(), inline or copy asset.
prettier 1.18.2 1.18.2 2.1.2 devDependencies
re-reselect 3.4.0 3.4.0 4.0.0 dependencies GitHub - toomuchdesign/re-reselect: Enhance Reselect selectors with deeper memoization and cache management.
react 15.7.0 15.7.0 17.0.1 dependencies
react-collapse 4.0.3 4.0.3 5.0.1 dependencies GitHub - nkbt/react-collapse: Component-wrapper for collapse animation with react-motion for elements with variable (and dynamic) height
react-dnd 3.0.2 3.0.2 11.1.3 dependencies GitHub - react-dnd/react-dnd: Drag and Drop for React
react-dnd-html5-backend 3.0.2 3.0.2 11.1.3 dependencies GitHub - react-dnd/react-dnd: Drag and Drop for React
react-dom 15.7.0 15.7.0 17.0.1 dependencies
react-draggable 3.3.2 3.3.2 4.4.3 dependencies GitHub - react-grid-layout/react-draggable: React draggable component
react-element-to-jsx-string 13.2.0 13.2.0 14.3.2 dependencies GitHub - algolia/react-element-to-jsx-string: Turn a ReactElement into the corresponding JSX string
react-hot-loader 1.3.1 1.3.1 4.13.0 dependencies GitHub - gaearon/react-hot-loader: Tweak React components in real time. (Deprecated: use Fast Refresh instead.)
react-markdown 3.6.0 3.6.0 5.0.2 dependencies GitHub - remarkjs/react-markdown: Markdown component for React
react-motion 0.4.8 0.4.8 0.5.2 dependencies GitHub - chenglou/react-motion: A spring that solves your animation problems.
react-redux 5.1.2 5.1.2 7.2.2 dependencies
react-router 3.2.6 3.2.6 5.2.0 dependencies
react-sortable-hoc 0.6.8 0.6.8 1.11.0 dependencies
react-test-renderer 15.7.0 15.7.0 17.0.1 devDependencies
react-textarea-autosize 5.2.1 5.2.1 8.2.0 dependencies
react-transition-group 1.2.1 1.2.1 4.4.1 dependencies
recompose 0.26.0 0.26.0 0.30.0 dependencies
redux 3.7.2 3.7.2 4.0.5 dependencies
redux-auth-wrapper 1.1.0 1.1.0 3.0.0 dependencies
redux-form 5.4.0 5.4.0 8.3.6 dependencies
redux-promise 0.5.3 0.5.3 0.6.0 dependencies
reselect 3.0.1 3.0.1 4.0.0 dependencies
screenfull 4.2.1 4.2.1 5.0.2 dependencies
simple-statistics 3.0.0 3.0.0 7.3.2 dependencies
style-loader 0.19.1 0.19.1 2.0.0 devDependencies
styled-components 3.2.6 3.2.6 5.2.1 resolutionDependencies
styled-components 3.2.6 3.2.6 5.2.1 dependencies
styled-system 2.2.5 2.2.5 5.1.5 resolutionDependencies
styled-system 2.2.5 2.2.5 5.1.5 dependencies
system-components 2.0.3 2.0.3 3.0.3 dependencies
ttag 1.7.15 1.7.15 1.7.22 dependencies
uglifyjs-webpack-plugin 1.3.0 1.3.0 2.2.0 devDependencies
webpack 3.12.0 3.12.0 5.4.0 devDependencies
webpack-dev-middleware 1.12.2 1.12.2 4.0.0 dependencies
webpack-dev-server 2.11.5 2.11.5 3.11.0 devDependencies

Getting similar errors with default jar which I downloaded from Release Metabase v0.37.0.2 · metabase/metabase · GitHub . Anybody else facing this problem?

Hi @tachniki
Ignore those violations. We’re working on addressing some of that by upgrading to React 16, and several of the other libraries we’re using too, but that’s a major upgrade and will take time.

Because of the error, screen is not painting, even though response is coming from api. :frowning:

@tachniki Okay, then I guess you’re talking about a different error than the ones in the release.
I don’t know which branch/commit you’re working on, but if you’re using one of the release tags, then it should work.
I’m using yarn 1.22.5 and node 10.23.

I am getting this on latest release also (running using jar). I upgraded from 0.34.1 version.

Found the root issue. Will log a bug. It happens when values for all rows is zero for pie chart.

@tachniki Already exists:

1 Like

Just noticed. Thanks.