Limit what can be exported to Excel/CSV


Is there a way to limit the number of rows which can be downloaded as xlsx/csv? We we have users who try to download very large and wide tables and that makes Metabase unavailable with 100% CPU usage. Does anyone have a similar problem? Thanks.

Your browser and its version: Chrome 71.
Your operating system: Windows 7/10
The type of database(s) you’ve connected to Metabase: MSSQL
The version of Metabase you’re running: 0.31.2
Metabase hosting environment: Windows server
Metabase’s internal database type: PostgreSQL

There’s a few issues open about similar issue. Have a look at this issue and read some of the referenced issues too.
It doesn’t look like there’s a solution. If you cannot teach people, then a hack would be to run Metabase in reverse proxy and remove/hide the download icon-button.


We are also encountering this problem…

Metabase version v0.32.7

Has there been any updates on this issue?

The issue is still open.
How much data are people downloading, when you get problems?
How much RAM does Metabase have available?