MySQL RDS Timed out after 5000 milliseconds

My Metabase app is up and running on Beanstalk and I was about to add my first Database. For this, I have created a MySQL database on RDS to which I have access to via MySQL Workbench and the database is publicly accessible with a username and password.

When I try to add this database to Metabase I get the following error:

Timed out after 5000 milliseconds.

This could either be a Meatabase timeout or a timeout on the database side. Has anyone faced a similar problem? If you know how to change the timeout value for the RDS please let me also know. I tried creating a parameter group that overwrites the timeout, but I don't know how to tell Metabase which parameter group to use.

The error just means that it can’t reach the database. Might be servername, port or a firewall.
No need to change the timeout - if it can’t connect in 5 seconds, you have much bigger problems!

Server name I get from the RDS instance Endpoint.

Port is the default 3306 for MySQL.

I am not aware of any default firewalls on RDS.

Also should I select MySQL for the database type? I do not find any separate RDS options for Amazon. Only RedShift which is not RDS.

If you install the MySQL tools on a local PC, can you connect to the database with the same settings?

Yes I have MySQL Workbench and I connect with the same settings. No SSH, no extra parameters and I do not get any timeouts there either.

Is there a log I can check for troubleshooting?

I have chosen a Docker installation by the way.

Did you check inbound rules of rds security settings? Make sure port 3306 is accessible. Check if you have added endpoint name correctly and using correct username and password.