Oracle DB not showing on RHEL

Hello All,

I am struggling to have a oracle DB connection in Metabase in LINUX RHEL. I have added ojdbc7 jar in plugins and set the JAVA HOME/JAVA_PATH/MB_PLUGIN_DIR path.
Still its not working, can you please help here?

Hi @Sidhant
Which version of Metabase?
Why are you using ojdbc7.jar instead of ojdbc8.jar as recommended in the documentation?
And the environment variable is MB_PLUGINS_DIR - not MB_PLUGIN_DIR

Thanks @flamber

Metabase Version - v0.32.1
I just put ojdbc8.jar also set the the correct env variable. Still ORACLE DB connection in dropdown it’s not showing up.
Are there some other setting to do in RHEL to have oracle connection

I am running the metabase via “java -jar metabase.jar”

In the path you defined with MB_PLUGINS_DIR, you should see all the drivers, which Metabase extracts from the JAR-file on start. This is where you should add ojdbc8.jar
But you might be hitting a race-condition, which was fixed in 0.32.2 (released a few hours ago), so please upgrade to that version.
And then check the Metabase log, when you start 0.32.2 to verify that it sees and loads the driver.

@flamber Thanks for the quick support, its working now with the new version 0.32.2

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