Support Sybase DB

Hello everyone, is there any forecast for sybase database support in the metabase?
I have already tried to connect using the SQL server option, but it is not working.

Hi @hedbruno
I hope someone respond with more specific directions for you. This is more for references.
There is some work-in-progress, which you would need to build into your own Metabase:

I can see you’ve already commented on the issue, but just leaving it here for reference:

@flamber Obrigado pelo seu retorno, vou abrir nova postagem no issue do github, sei que esse banco de dados não e tão usado mais vou tentar assim mesmo.

Has there been any new development on a Sybase driver for Metabase? I saw some previous contributions from the community (github) with a Sybase driver #8074 based on the jTDS driver? ( Is there anything we can download to test/try?

@tsizzle No, seems like very few people are interested in a driver for Sybase compared to other databases.
But upvote issues by clicking :+1: on the first post of an issue: