Visualisation bug - ploting wrong values


Metabase wasn’t doing this before, but now i see some of graphs the if the value is supposed to be 1 it plots 2…can someone assist?


Hi @Oriel
Without more information, it’s impossible to understand.

Please post “Diagnostic Info” from Admin > Troubleshooting.

And can you provide steps to reproduce with Sample Dataset, or detailed screenshots, or anything to better understand the problem?

My sincere apologies, it was my mistake! I found the problem and fixed it. Metabase is awesome :slight_smile:

is there a way to delete this issues? or change it to resolved or something?

@Oriel Great. But it would probably be a help to others, if you described what the problem was and how you fixed it.

Just leave the topic. I’m working on adding a “solved” button and several other things to the forum, just haven’t had time.

No Stress. I was missing a filter in my dataset, forgot to set it.

thanks for all your hard work.

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