0.48 RC - end of activity and log tables!

What I do to keep history :

CREATE TABLE mydb.metabase_query_execution LIKE metabase.query_execution;
INSERT INTO mydb.metabase_query_execution TABLE metabase.query_execution;

CREATE EVENT upkeep_metabase_query_execution
ON SCHEDULE EVERY 1 HOUR STARTS '2024-01-05 03:00:00'
INSERT IGNORE INTO mydb.metabase_query_execution
FROM metabase.query_execution
WHERE started_at > (SELECT ALL MAX(started_at) FROM mydb.metabase_query_execution);

It appears there is no reconsideration on this topic within the Metabase team.

We extensively use these tables to understand our stakeholders’ usage, which in turn helps us increase Metabase usage. Therefore, it could be viewed as a “win-win” strategy for both Metabase and OSS users like us. As mentioned in many earlier posts, retention could easily be limited.

Please reconsider this decision.


Open Source plan is "Free Forever" but there is no statement that some functionality will not be removed, I'm afraid of what they will remove next time :slightly_frowning_face:


I think we can still use query_execution table to replace what view_log table can do, right?