Bugs/feedback (OSX client)

Bugs/feedback to OSX client:

  • The OSX version opens in such a way that makes it impossible to scroll down to click on tables or action buttons at the bottom of the screen. Solved by maximizing screen and hiding dock, but looks like its a scaling problem (I’m on an 11" Mac Air)
  • System froze up a couple of times (possibly a Java bug).
  • Would be awesome to have access through a web app.
  • Crashes when you add raw data to a dashboard. Deleted the saved query, but it still crashes the dashboard on opening.
  • Would be nice to have a ‘test settings’ button in email setup. Member invites are not being sent for me --tried using a couple different SMTP servers.
  • Help button in app link broken.

Thanks for the feedback!

We have a fix for the help link.

Created https://github.com/metabase/metabase/issues/1330 for the email settings as it’s a great idea!

Can you check what version of OS X and Safari you’re on? Also if it’s not too much trouble, can you open up the Console and see if the crashes leave any error messages?

Hey Sameer!

I’m on OSX 10.10.3 and Safari 8.0.6. Not sure if the there are any error messages or not for the crash as I wasn’t able to replicate (good), however, here are the console messages for the dashboard crash (it brings up the query results briefly then shows the MB logo then goes back to start/home screen.

10/23/15 2:25:45.437 PM Metabase[2660]: [DEBUG] metabase.middleware :: GET /api/dashboard/1
10/23/15 2:25:45.438 PM Metabase[2660]: [DEBUG] metabase.db.internal :: DB CALL: User [:id :email :date_joined :first_name :last_name :last_login :is_superuser :is_active :is_staff] (where (limit (select* ENTITY20825) 1) {:id current-user-id})
10/23/15 2:25:45.439 PM Metabase[2660]: [DEBUG] metabase.db.internal :: DB CALL: DashboardCard * (where (order (select* ENTITY14044) :created_at :asc) {:dashboard_id id})
10/23/15 2:25:45.443 PM Metabase[2660]: [DEBUG] metabase.db.internal :: DB CALL: User [:id :email :date_joined :first_name :last_name :last_login :is_superuser] (where (select* ENTITY11353) {:id [in ids]})
10/23/15 2:25:45.611 PM Metabase[2660]: [DEBUG] metabase.middleware :: POST /api/dataset
[DEBUG] metabase.models.interface :: DB CALL: Database 2
[DEBUG] metabase.middleware :: POST /api/dataset
[DEBUG] metabase.models.interface :: DB CALL: Database 2
[DEBUG] metabase.driver.query-processor ::
QUERY: :sunglasses:
{:database 2,
type “query”,
{:source_table 13,
aggregation [“count”],
breakout [],
filter [“AND” [“NOT_NULL” 198]]}}

[DEBUG] metabase.driver.query-processor ::
QUERY: :sunglasses:
{:database 2,
type “query”,
{:source_table 12,
aggregation [“count”],
breakout [],
filter [“AND” ["=" 243 true]]}}

[DEBUG] metabase.db.internal :: DB CALL: Field [:description :table_id :special_type :name :parent_id :id :preview_display :display_name :base_type] (where (select* ENTITY19571) {:id [in field-ids]})
[DEBUG] metabase.db.internal :: DB CALL: Database [:name :id :engine :details] (where (limit (select* ENTITY19585) 1) {:id database-id})
[DEBUG] metabase.db.internal :: DB CALL: Field [:description :table_id :special_type :name :parent_id :id :preview_display :display_name :base_type] (where (select* ENTITY19571) {:id [in field-ids]})
[DEBUG] metabase.middleware :: POST /api/dataset
[DEBUG] metabase.models.interface :: DB CALL: Database 2
10/23/15 2:25:45.722 PM Metabase[2660]: [DEBUG] metabase.driver.query-processor ::
{:name “Production”, :details ":yum: ", :id 2, :engine :postgres},
type “query”,
{:aggregation {:aggregation-type :count},
{:compound-type :and,
[{:filter-type :=,
{:base-type :TextField,
table-id 12,
special-type :category,
field-name “user_type”,
field-display-name “User Type”,
field-id 255,
table-name “users”,
preview-display true},
{:value “artist”,
{:base-type :TextField,
table-id 12,
special-type :category,
field-name “user_type”,
field-display-name “User Type”,
field-id 255,
table-name “users”,
preview-display true}}}]},
source-table {:name “users”, :id 12}},
driver metabase.driver.postgres.PostgresDriver,
fk-field-ids #{},
table-ids #{12}}
10/23/15 2:25:46.012 PM Metabase[2660]: [DEBUG] metabase.driver.generic-sql.query-processor ::
KORMA FORM: :smirk:
(:db entity)
(exec-raw “SET LOCAL timezone TO ‘UTC’;”)
(aggregate (count :*) :count)
(where (and {:users.category [= nil]})))))

SQL: :smiling_imp:
SELECT COUNT(“users”.) AS “count”
FROM “users”
WHERE ((“users”.“category” IS NULL))
10/23/15 2:25:46.060 PM Metabase[2660]: [DEBUG] metabase.driver.generic-sql.query-processor ::
KORMA FORM: :smirk:
(:db entity)
(exec-raw “SET LOCAL timezone TO ‘UTC’;”)
(aggregate (count :
) :count)
(where (and {:users.user_type [= “user”]})))))

SQL: :smiling_imp:
SELECT COUNT(“users”.) AS “count”
FROM “users”
WHERE ((“users”.“user_type” = ?))
10/23/15 2:25:46.121 PM Metabase[2660]: [DEBUG] metabase.driver.generic-sql.query-processor ::
KORMA FORM: :smirk:
(:db entity)
(exec-raw “SET LOCAL timezone TO ‘UTC’;”)
(aggregate (count :
) :count)
(where (and {:users.user_type [= “artist”]})))))

SQL: :smiling_imp:
SELECT COUNT(“users”.*) AS “count”
FROM “users”
WHERE ((“users”.“user_type” = ?))
10/23/15 2:25:46.374 PM Metabase[2660]: :mask:
10/23/15 2:25:46.374 PM Metabase[2660]:

| Server status has transitioned to: NOT HEALTHY |
10/23/15 2:25:47.573 PM Metabase[2660]: :mask:
10/23/15 2:25:48.773 PM Metabase[2660]: :mask:
10/23/15 2:25:49.971 PM Metabase[2660]: :mask:
10/23/15 2:25:50.488 PM Metabase[2660]: [DEBUG] metabase.middleware :: POST /api/dataset 200 (4926 ms)
10/23/15 2:25:50.923 PM Metabase[2660]: :white_check_mark:
10/23/15 2:25:50.923 PM Metabase[2660]:

| Server status has transitioned to: HEALTHY |
10/23/15 2:25:50.926 PM Metabase[2660]: Connecting to Metabase instance at: http://localhost:13853
10/23/15 2:25:51.145 PM Metabase[2660]: [DEBUG] metabase.middleware :: GET /api/session/properties 200 (1 ms)
[DEBUG] metabase.middleware :: GET /api/user/current
[DEBUG] metabase.db.internal :: DB CALL: User [:id :email :date_joined :first_name :last_name :last_login :is_superuser :is_active :is_staff] (where (limit (select* ENTITY20825) 1) {:id current-user-id})
[DEBUG] metabase.middleware :: GET /api/user/current 200 (1 ms)
10/23/15 2:25:51.150 PM Metabase[2660]: [DEBUG] metabase.db.internal :: DB CALL: Activity * (k/limit (k/order (select* ENTITY14817) :timestamp :DESC) 40)
[DEBUG] metabase.db.internal :: DB CALL: Dashboard * (k/where (select* ENTITY15267) (or {:creator_id current-user-id} {:public_perms [> common/perms-none]}))
10/23/15 2:25:51.160 PM Metabase[2660]: [DEBUG] metabase.middleware :: GET /api/activity/recent_views 200 (2 ms)
[DEBUG] metabase.models.interface :: DB CALL: Dashboard 1
[DEBUG] metabase.models.interface :: DB CALL: Dashboard 2
[DEBUG] metabase.models.interface :: DB CALL: Card 4
[DEBUG] metabase.db.internal :: DB CALL: User [:id :email :date_joined :first_name :last_name :last_login :is_superuser] (where (select* ENTITY11353) {:id [in ids]})
[DEBUG] metabase.models.interface :: DB CALL: Card 12
[DEBUG] metabase.middleware :: GET /api/activity 200 (8 ms)
[DEBUG] metabase.models.interface :: DB CALL: Card 11
[DEBUG] metabase.db.internal :: DB CALL: Table * (where (select* ENTITY11353) {:id [in ids]})
[DEBUG] metabase.db.internal :: DB CALL: Database * (where (select* ENTITY11353) {:id [in ids]})
[DEBUG] metabase.models.interface :: DB CALL: Card 10
[DEBUG] metabase.db.internal :: DB CALL: User [:id :email :date_joined :first_name :last_name :last_login :is_superuser :is_active :is_staff] (where (limit (select* ENTITY20825) 1) {:id current-user-id})
[DEBUG] metabase.models.interface :: DB CALL: Card 9
10/23/15 2:25:51.161 PM Metabase[2660]: [DEBUG] metabase.models.interface :: DB CALL: Card 7
10/23/15 2:25:56.009 PM Metabase[2660]: [DEBUG] metabase.middleware :: POST /api/dataset 200 (10417 ms)
10/23/15 2:25:56.048 PM Metabase[2660]: [DEBUG] metabase.middleware :: POST /api/dataset 200 (10485 ms)
10/23/15 2:25:56.095 PM Metabase[2660]: [DEBUG] metabase.middleware :: POST /api/dataset 200 (10516 ms)
10/23/15 2:25:56.157 PM Metabase[2660]: [DEBUG] metabase.middleware :: POST /api/dataset 200 (10562 ms)
10/23/15 2:25:56.843 PM Metabase[2660]: [DEBUG] metabase.middleware :: POST /api/dataset 200 (11219 ms)

Hope it helps!

It seems like 5 queries is the max I can put on a dashboard without it crashing/force returning to start screen. Strange things is when I completely delete the 6th query it still won’t let me load the defective dash. No way to delete non-working dashboards.

Thanks for the stack trace… going to need to loop in others.

I’ve definitely seen dashboards with well over 5 queries work without drama so I think there’s something more subtle going on.

I don’t know you if you can access my account info on the server, but you’re welcome to or I can help troubleshoot with someone on your end. Its very useful otherwise so happy to help out :slight_smile:

I’m sure you have more important things to work on but I’ll mention the other most annoying bug:

When trying to download the result of a DB query I select the save location (Download folder) and it says ‘Saved. Your data has been saved.’ However, no file is created. It worked great the first time I tried it.