Can locked filter have dynamic values?

Hello! I'd like to restrict my data by adding a Locked filter. But I wonder if the Locked parameter can be a dynamic value.
For example, previously the payload was:

payload = {
    "resource": {
        "dashboard": 1
    "params": {
        "test filter": "abc"
    "exp": round(time.time()) + (60 * 10)  # 10 minute expiration

Can I apply dynamic_value to test filter?
dynamic_value would be a string that read from the function, like this:

def get_embed_url(dynamic_value):
payload = {
    "resource": {
        "dashboard": 1
    "params": {
        "test filter": dynamic_value
    "exp": round(time.time()) + (60 * 10)  # 10 minute expiration

If not, is there any other way to do this?

Hi @qwer
Yes, it can be a dynamic value. Note that it will generate a different JWT token for each dynamic value.