CTSQL Database Connection Problems


I’m trying to connect a CTSQL database, but I can’t find the driver for metabase.

We have tried to connect as SQL Server and PostgreSQL but it does not allow it.

Does anyone have any idea how to make the connection or have the driver?

Thank you

Hi @alfonsogonzalez
I have never heard of CTSQL - can you provide a link?
Metabase support ~15 databases, and many more through custom drivers.


The idea is to connect the MultiBase application with Metabase. MultiBase uses the following technology, https://www.base100.com/es/productos/pdf/manuales/multibase/mbsql.pdf#[{"num"%3A17%2C"gen"%3A0}%2C{"name"%3A"XYZ"}%2C54%2C204%2C0] (LINK TO SECTION)

I don’t know as you do this language that they indicate as a basis in the development of MultiBase to work with database.

Thank you

@alfonsogonzalez I have never heard of MultiBase. So the answer is most likely no, you cannot use Metabase.