Date filter doesn't work when a filter is on in Google Analytics

I am trying to look at page views on certain subsection of the site e.g. all page views on XXXX.

I’ll do this by GA custom query, filter is page title contains “XXXX”

I then want to be able to put this into a dashboard and query by a date range.

If I do a date filter of a short time whilst in custom query builder e.g. past 30 days , it gives me the right value.

However if I take out this date filter and try and do a date filter from the dashboard filters, it gives me the error of this chart cannot be displayed. The filter is linked up to the date in GA.

Where am I going wrong?

Hi @emma
Because GA doesn’t allow multiple of the same filters, so create the question without a date filter and only apply the filter on the dashboard. - upvote by clicking :+1: on the first post

I’ve already done this and it doesn’t work, that’s what I was explaining in my original message, hence the line “if I take that date filter out,”

@emma Post “Diagnostic Info” from Admin > Troubleshooting.
And post the detailed error from Admin > Troubleshooting > Logs.

I think it’s because the original query when ran without a date filter takes too long to run, so i can’t get a value there (it times out) and then it won’t run in the dashboard.

However, the only way to make the query short enough to run is to add a date filter from the query itself, which then stops there from being able to be a date filter in the dashboard,

What workaround could there be for this?

@emma If you posted the full error, then it would help diagnosing the problem. You can add default value to filters on the dashboard.

The full error says:

Show error details
Here’s the full error message
Read timed out

@emma Post “Diagnostic Info” from Admin > Troubleshooting.
And post the detailed error from Admin > Troubleshooting > Logs.