Date Filter Issues

Hi all - first question here so if I go about it wrong, I apologise

I've created a custom column which, very simply, conditionally adds days to the Sale Date:

case(weekday([SaleDate]) > 2, datetimeAdd([SaleDate], 5, "day"), datetimeAdd([SaleDate], 3, "day"))

This produces the expected result, and filters over a month old pull back the appropriate information. However, filters for last month gives back "No Results", despite there being 40 records that should be returned.

If I select the dates for the month manually, or use a filter for "last 30 days starting x days ago", those 40 records show fine. Ordinarily this wouldn't be an issue, since there are workarounds, but I have this on a dashboard and I'm aiming to make the end user's lives as straightforward as possible. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated!

Are you able to share a screenshot of such data so we can have a better idea on what data you have.

Secondly can you share the Admin -> Troubleshooting -> Diagnostic Info

Hi there - apologies for the late reply and thank you for your response - the database admin has updated our Metabase instance and it looks to have fixed the issue :+1:t6: