I want to embed a dashboard in a site which will be used by people having no metabase account. I tried to embed it, but the iframe url is redirecting me to login page of metabase. I want the dashbaord to show directly on my site and i am also using locked parameter in dashboard. Is there a way for me to show the dashboard directly without redirecting it to login page first.
Note:- I am not allowed to remove the locked parameter as it is pretty much needed.
You don't embed like that. You either share the dashboard and use the new public link, or you enable embedding and do it that way (much better option as more flexible).
Does this means after I do static embedding, user needs to login with metabase credentials in order to view the dashboard?
No, none of the 'free' embedding options use the Metabase login. for that, you need 'full app embedding'.
I normally host the embedded dashboard in an Iframe. The Iframe page does the security.