Error filtering a question

Hi, Im triying the tools and have the errors in the data filter for a question.

I have the next table [1]

When try create the question from the table all perfect, as long as, dont filter data.

Now, when filter data from type columns Integer the question is satisfactorily resolved [2]

However, when filter data from type columns not Integer (String for example) the Question return Error [3]

You can see, the error in the clausule Where, dont set the value filter in the column.

The version used is [4]


Very thanks.

Hi @iyanez
Which database are you querying?
That’s a fairly old version of Metabase - and the date does not match unless it’s a custom build.
Latest release is 0.33.3 - you might want to try that version or at least 0.32.10 - remember to backup before upgrading.