Error using a field filter on a view attribute

I am trying to use a field filter on a view table attribute. If i use text, it works fine but if i use a field filter on the same attribute, it gives me the error "Unknown column 'viewname.type' in 'where clause'.

Hi @Anum
Post "Diagnostic Info" from Admin > Troubleshooting, and the query to make it easier to help.
You are likely using table aliases, which is not supported, as noted in the documentation:

@flamber I am trying to add a field filter on type attribute which is in order_item_info. {{Category}} is the dropdown that i need to add.

Select *
From order_item_info oii join order_item oi on oi.x=x join order_address oa on oa.y=oi.x
Where 1=1 [[and so.created_at>={{Startdate}} and so.created_at<={{Enddate}}]] [[and oii.type = {{category}}]]


  1. You cannot use table aliases with Field Filters
  2. You should not include the column or operator, when using Field Filters, since they are defined in the sidebar and controlled by Metabase.

select *
from order_item_info
join order_item oi on oi.x=x
join order_address oa on oa.y=oi.x
where 1=1
[[and so.created_at>={{Startdate}} and so.created_at<={{Enddate}}]]
[[and {{category}}]]
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Thanks @flamber