Filter dropdown not loading


On my dashboards I always used the filter dropdown and it worked fine until recently. However, since we upgraded our metabase to the latest version (0.44.2) the dropdown takes a lot of time to load and even doesn't load at all sometimes. You can see an example here : Le pilotage de l'inclusion

So instead of having a dropdown where i can see all the values of my filter i sometimes have to enter manually the value of the filter.

Is there a solution to fix this problem?

Thanks a lot !

Hi @Yannick
Which version did you upgrade from? When did you upgrade?
When did it stop working?

When I go to the page, and wait for it to load completely, then the dropdowns show up as expected.

Perhaps you have a lot of visitors, which means than all connections might be in use? It's impossible to tell without looking at the logs - Admin > Troubleshooting > Logs.
If you are using all connections, then adjust it to fit your needs

We upgraded from the v0.43.3. Indeed, on this one it eventually works. However we have some other private dashboards where the dropdown never load. It seems that on these private dashboards the loading of the dropdown is not possible...
We don't have that much visitors at the moment, about 300 a week. We went up to 2000 visitors and never had this problem.

Do I need to copy the whole log text ? Or just a piece of it ?
Thanks a lot

@Yannick You'll likely need to debug a bit yourself, where you correlate the Metabase log with what is happening in your browser developer Network-tab.
By the way, your Site URL is incorrect in Admin > Settings > General. Make sure it's https, since that's how you access the page.

Hi again,
The log associated with the error seems to be the following

[df6e088a-ae30-4914-be49-116383327fa6] 2022-09-12T14:16:47+02:00 ERROR metabase.query-processor.middleware.catch-exceptions Error processing query: ERROR: canceling statement due to user request
{:database_id 2,
 :started_at #t "2022-09-12T12:16:45.207461Z[UTC]",
 [{:status :failed,
   :class clojure.lang.ExceptionInfo,
   :error "Error executing query: ERROR: canceling statement due to user request",
   ["--> driver.sql_jdbc.execute$execute_reducible_query$fn__55230.invoke(execute.clj:502)"
   :error_type :invalid-query,
    "-- Metabase\nSELECT (CAST(sum(CASE WHEN \"public\".\"candidatures_echelle_locale\".\"état\" = ? THEN 1 ELSE 0.0 END) AS float) / CASE WHEN count(*) = 0 THEN NULL ELSE count(*) END) AS \"candidatures acceptée\" FROM \"public\".\"candidatures_echelle_locale\" WHERE (\"public\".\"candidatures_echelle_locale\".\"injection_ai\" = 0 AND \"public\".\"candidatures_echelle_locale\".\"origine_détaillée\" = ? AND (\"public\".\"candidatures_echelle_locale\".\"type_structure\" = ? OR \"public\".\"candidatures_echelle_locale\".\"type_structure\" = ? OR \"public\".\"candidatures_echelle_locale\".\"type_structure\" = ? OR \"public\".\"candidatures_echelle_locale\".\"type_structure\" = ? OR \"public\".\"candidatures_echelle_locale\".\"type_structure\" = ?) AND \"public\".\"candidatures_echelle_locale\".\"date_candidature\" >= date_trunc('year', (now() + (INTERVAL '-1 year'))) AND \"public\".\"candidatures_echelle_locale\".\"date_candidature\" < date_trunc('year', now()) AND \"public\".\"candidatures_echelle_locale\".\"dept_org\" = ?)",
    :params ("Candidature acceptée" "Prescripteur habilité PE" "AI" "ACI" "EI" "EITI" "ETTI" "93 - Seine-Saint-Denis"),
    :type :invalid-query}}],
 :state "57014",
 :error_type :invalid-query,
 {:constraints {:max-results 10000, :max-results-bare-rows 2000},
  :type :query,
  :middleware {:js-int-to-string? true, :ignore-cached-results? false},
  :database 2,
  {:source-table 792,
    [:= [:field 11961 nil] 0]
    [:= [:field 11952 nil] "Prescripteur habilité PE"]
    [:= [:field 12007 nil] "AI" "ACI" "EI" "EITI" "ETTI"]],
     [:/ [:count-where [:= [:field 11955 nil] "Candidature acceptée"]] [:count]]
     {:name "candidatures acceptée", :display-name "candidatures acceptée"}]]},
  [{:type :category,
    :slug "prescripteur",
    :id "6957b229",
    :value "Prescripteur habilité PE",
    :target [:dimension [:field 11952 nil]]}
   {:type :date/relative,
    :slug "filtre_temporel_(ann%C3%A9e%2Fmois%2Fsemaine)",
    :id "14cf843c",
    :value "past1years",
    :target [:dimension [:field 11954 nil]]}
   {:type :string/=,
    :slug "d%C3%A9partement",
    :id "16a71fe5",
    :value ["93 - Seine-Saint-Denis"],
    :target [:dimension [:field 12670 nil]]}],
  :async? true,
  :cache-ttl 1242},
  "SELECT (CAST(sum(CASE WHEN \"public\".\"candidatures_echelle_locale\".\"état\" = ? THEN 1 ELSE 0.0 END) AS float) / CASE WHEN count(*) = 0 THEN NULL ELSE count(*) END) AS \"candidatures acceptée\" FROM \"public\".\"candidatures_echelle_locale\" WHERE (\"public\".\"candidatures_echelle_locale\".\"injection_ai\" = 0 AND \"public\".\"candidatures_echelle_locale\".\"origine_détaillée\" = ? AND (\"public\".\"candidatures_echelle_locale\".\"type_structure\" = ? OR \"public\".\"candidatures_echelle_locale\".\"type_structure\" = ? OR \"public\".\"candidatures_echelle_locale\".\"type_structure\" = ? OR \"public\".\"candidatures_echelle_locale\".\"type_structure\" = ? OR \"public\".\"candidatures_echelle_locale\".\"type_structure\" = ?) AND \"public\".\"candidatures_echelle_locale\".\"date_candidature\" >= date_trunc('year', (now() + (INTERVAL '-1 year'))) AND \"public\".\"candidatures_echelle_locale\".\"date_candidature\" < date_trunc('year', now()) AND \"public\".\"candidatures_echelle_locale\".\"dept_org\" = ?)",
  :params ("Candidature acceptée" "Prescripteur habilité PE" "AI" "ACI" "EI" "EITI" "ETTI" "93 - Seine-Saint-Denis")},
 :status :failed,
 :class org.postgresql.util.PSQLException,
  "--> driver.sql_jdbc.execute$fn__55148.invokeStatic(execute.clj:363)"
 :card_id 1536,
 :context :embedded-dashboard,
 :error "ERROR: canceling statement due to user request",
 :row_count 0,
 :running_time 0,
 {:constraints {:max-results 10000, :max-results-bare-rows 2000},
  :type :query,
  :middleware {:js-int-to-string? true, :ignore-cached-results? false},
  [{:type :category,
    :slug "prescripteur",
    :id "6957b229",
    :value "Prescripteur habilité PE",
    :target [:dimension [:field 11952 nil]]}
   {:type :date/relative,
    :slug "filtre_temporel_(ann%C3%A9e%2Fmois%2Fsemaine)",
    :id "14cf843c",
    :value "past1years",
    :target [:dimension [:field 11954 nil]]}
   {:type :string/=,
    :slug "d%C3%A9partement",
    :id "16a71fe5",
    :value ["93 - Seine-Saint-Denis"],
    :target [:dimension [:field 12670 nil]]}],
  {:context :embedded-dashboard, :card-id 1536, :card-name "[149] Taux de candidatures acceptées", :dashboard-id 149},
  :database 2,
  {:source-table 792,
     [:field 11961 nil]
      {:base_type :type/Integer,
       :effective_type :type/Integer,
       :coercion_strategy nil,
       :semantic_type :type/Category,
       :database_type "int4",
       :name "injection_ai"}]]
     [:field 11952 nil]
      "Prescripteur habilité PE"
      {:base_type :type/Text,
       :effective_type :type/Text,
       :coercion_strategy nil,
       :semantic_type :type/Category,
       :database_type "varchar",
       :name "origine_détaillée"}]]
      [:field 12007 nil]
       {:base_type :type/Text,
        :effective_type :type/Text,
        :coercion_strategy nil,
        :semantic_type :type/Category,
        :database_type "varchar",
        :name "type_structure"}]]
      [:field 12007 nil]
       {:base_type :type/Text,
        :effective_type :type/Text,
        :coercion_strategy nil,
        :semantic_type :type/Category,
        :database_type "varchar",
        :name "type_structure"}]]
      [:field 12007 nil]
       {:base_type :type/Text,
        :effective_type :type/Text,
        :coercion_strategy nil,
        :semantic_type :type/Category,
        :database_type "varchar",
        :name "type_structure"}]]
      [:field 12007 nil]
       {:base_type :type/Text,
        :effective_type :type/Text,
        :coercion_strategy nil,
        :semantic_type :type/Category,
        :database_type "varchar",
        :name "type_structure"}]]
      [:field 12007 nil]
       {:base_type :type/Text,
        :effective_type :type/Text,
        :coercion_strategy nil,
        :semantic_type :type/Category,
        :database_type "varchar",
        :name "type_structure"}]]]
    [:>= [:field 11954 {:temporal-unit :default}] [:relative-datetime -1 :year]]
    [:< [:field 11954 {:temporal-unit :default}] [:relative-datetime 0 :year]]
     [:field 12670 nil]
      "93 - Seine-Saint-Denis"
      {:base_type :type/Text,
       :effective_type :type/Text,
       :coercion_strategy nil,
       :semantic_type :type/State,
       :database_type "varchar",
       :name "dept_org"}]]],
        [:field 11955 nil]
         "Candidature acceptée"
         {:base_type :type/Text,
          :effective_type :type/Text,
          :coercion_strategy nil,
          :semantic_type :type/Category,
          :database_type "varchar",
          :name "état"}]]]
     {:name "candidatures acceptée", :display-name "candidatures acceptée"}]]},
  :async? true,
  :cache-ttl 1242},
 :data {:rows [], :cols []}}

@Yannick I'm quite sure that is unrelated to your problem, but that's likely this issue: - upvote by clicking :+1: on the first post

Ok thanks a lot :slight_smile: