Firebird 3.0 connection

Yes I tried with both versions, one at a time

Don't you think there should be an option in the base registry to disable SSH?

@antoninorocha Like I have written a few times now. The problem is not Metabase, but the driver. You need to use a driver that is compatible with the version of Metabase.
Someone has created a driver that works with Metabase 0.40.x and it will likely be incorporated into Evosec's driver, when it has been tested:

In other words, there's nothing Metabase can do to fix this - the driver has to be updated.

ok thank you i will wait

Guys, we have a brand new version of firebird driver, I tested versions 2.5 and 3.0 firebird are ok, checking more details, but it looks good.