Global search

Hi everyone,
After struggling with so many different data tools, Metabase seems an oasis in the desert. We’ve worked with Superset, AWS Quicksight, tried to work with Alation, and I’ve no doubt that if you keep up the work Metabase will be a winner in the field. The simple UI/UX is a win (please don’t evolve to a bloated project).

We’re using Metabase in some pilot projects and we have plans to use it as our main enterprise data catalog. For a data catalog I think a global search feature would be very useful.

For example, if a user search for customer he would get all questions, tables (including description), columns (including descriptions) and dashboards referencing customer.

Do you have plans for any feature like this?

BTW, Any chance Athena support comes in 0.27?


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Hi, Ricardo. Glad to hear you’re enjoying Metabase. Yes, we were just discussing a global search feature the other day, and I think there’s a strong possibility something like what you’re describing will make its way into the product in an upcoming release.

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