How do I use sql query druid on metabase

I get an error when querying druid with sql:
Unrecognized token 'select': was expecting (JSON String, Number, Array, Object or token 'null', 'true' or 'false') at [Source: (StringReader); line: 1, column: 7]

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Hi @alex_chen
Metabase does not support SQL for Druid. Only Native queries.


Hey all, sorry for reviving an old thread but I was just wondering about Druid SQL support. Is this a hard no to the feature, has there been any changes or is there a documented alternative?

I should say we've been using druid with metabase for a few months now but I'd like to start expanding it to cover a few more of our use cases but need to ensure it's easy for our team to use. We've been using it internally at RedwoodJS with success and now I'd like to have features like easy to work with JSON columns. I'm not a metabase expert but I think Druid SQL support would likely make that sort of functionality easier?

Oh and of course if I'm misunderstanding or missing some key information do let me know! :smile:

We don’t have many users who use Druid and that’s why we haven’t put hours on the driver. If you want to contribute to the project with the feature you’re very welcome :blush:

Interesting I might have a look at the codebase at some point soon and see if I can scope out that work to see if it's something I can tackle. Happy to be involved for sure!