How to connect to multiple PostgreSQL schemas


Is there a way to connect Metabase on an other schema than the default one "public"?
I've tried to set currentSchema=myschema as JDBC parameter but it still connected to "public".
I would like to have both "public" and "myschema" in my Metabase.

Thx fo your support!

Hi @felici1b
Post "Diagnostic Info" from Admin > Troubleshooting, and which version of Postgres you're querying.
All schemas should be available if the user credentials has privileges to select in the schema.

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Hi @flamber,
Thank for the quick answer, if that's possible I may not set it up correctly.

@felici1b Check the logs for any errors during the sync process - Admin > Troubleshooting > Logs.
And most people do not need to define anything in the Connection String.