I want to merge repeated names inside a column

Hi Community Members,

I want to merge my region and sales person name into single one the below image is my report.

But I want like the below image.

This is my sql code:
SELECT source.date_entered AS date_entered, source.sum AS sum, source.sum_2 AS sum_2, source.sum_3 AS sum_3, Users.title AS title, Users.user_name AS user_name
FROM (SELECT aos_quotes.assigned_user_id AS assigned_user_id, date(aos_quotes.date_entered) AS date_entered, aos_quotes.stage AS stage, sum(aos_quotes.subtotal_amount) AS sum, sum(aos_quotes.tax_amount) AS sum_2, sum(aos_quotes.total_amount) AS sum_3 FROM aos_quotes
WHERE ((aos_quotes.stage = 'Closed Accepted'
OR aos_quotes.stage = 'Confirmed')
AND date(aos_quotes.date_entered) BETWEEN date(date_add(now(), INTERVAL -30 day)) AND date(now()))
GROUP BY aos_quotes.assigned_user_id, date(aos_quotes.date_entered), aos_quotes.stage
ORDER BY date(aos_quotes.date_entered) DESC, aos_quotes.assigned_user_id ASC, aos_quotes.stage ASC) source
LEFT JOIN users Users ON source.assigned_user_id = Users.id WHERE (Users.title = 'Sales - AP & Telangana' OR Users.title = 'Sales - Chennai & West' OR Users.title = 'Sales - East' OR Users.title = 'Sales - KA & Goa' OR Users.title = 'Sales - KL & ROT' OR Users.title = 'Sales - Kolkata' OR Users.title = 'Sales - North' OR Users.title = 'Sales - UK')
LIMIT 1048576

try using the pivot table visualization

The Region, Sales Person Name Column are form one table & Rest Of Others is from another table .I have inner join the two tables so i am receiving error like Pivot table can only be used with aggregated tables