Metabase Collapsed after a backup


Our server's hard disk (windows server 2012 r2) got full of logs, and we tried to backup then clean the disk and update the Metabase, unfortunately while the code was still running.
Now we're getting at the logs of metabase:

error: "java.lang.IllegalStateException: Writing to nio:C:/Users/Administrator/Desktop/ failed; length 9625600 at 3065360384 [1.4.197/2]" [50000-197]
at org.h2.message.DbException.get(

Database connection error - timeout after 5.0

my file is corrupted
Caused by: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Reading from nio:C:/Users/Administrator/Desktop/ failed; file length -1 read length 0 at 2471750686 [1.4.197/1]

We would love if any support figure can contact us directly.

Hi @YoavE
You have ended up with a corrupted H2 database.

Try following the troubleshooting. It's not written for Windows, so you'll need to adjust yourself:

Hopefully you'll be able to recover, otherwise you have to revert to your latest backup.

Also worth reading: Update from 0.37 to .40.5 corrupted database
And several other topics about the same problem with a corrupted H2:

After you have (hopefully) recovered, then migrate away from H2, which should not be used in production: