Missing button for dashboard subscriptions

We are currently using Pulses, SMTP is set up and mails are being sent. Now I noticed that Metabase should offer dashboard subscriptions, but the button for this function is missing. The documentation says "To enable dashboard subscriptions, your administrators will need to have set up email" - this is set. Anything else needed ?

Using v0.44.6
no button

Hi @CZvacko
It's the mail-plus icon, the second icon from the left.

Now I'm confused, I was looking for "arrow" button.

The issue is: I was discussing something with user, opened "Activity" to see what he created, Activity says "User xyz created pulse". When I clink on it, window with "Pulse edit" appear. So, how my user created pulse instead of Subscription ? Am I missing something?

@CZvacko Underneath the hood, Subscriptions and Alerts are using pulses functions. We're still working on fully removing the old Pulses interface.