Public Embedding Error

I am running a site that displays a metabase dashboard. I am currently using H2 and use mssql to analyze data and am storing all of this on kubernetes. I am able to publicly embed a dashboard onto my website. However a few days later I get a message “An error occurred” instead of my dashboard with the error:

GET 400 (Bad Request)
Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 400 (Bad Request)

When I log back into the metabase, it looks like the ID in the url changed which makes sense for the error. Is there a way to fix this or for the id to persist?

Hi @guenette
Which version of Metabase?
It’s really difficult to debug embedding, since it depends on your code.
My guess is that the expiration (exp) of the token has taken place and your code is not generating a new token.
Check the Metabase log for more details - usually it’ll give you more information on errors than what is displayed.