Resubscribe Metabase Email

I clicked on "unsubscribe" on the bottom of Metabase email, then I couldn't receive any dashboard/question subscription. Is there any way to re-subscribe Metabase?

Hi @reginahuang
I'm unsure which email you are referring to. It sounds like you are talking about the newsletter, which you can subscribe to again by going to the bottom of

Thanks for the reply! I'm talking about the subscription of Metabase Dashboards and Alerts.

What I did is unsubscribe from all subscriptions / alerts (, Now I wouldn't receive any email even if I add myself as a subscriber to a Dashboard again, wondering is there anyway to fix that?

@reginahuang Only admins has this option, so it cannot be something you clicked in an email.
It sounds like you have used a distribution list (an email group), so you'll need to contact your email administrator to get back on that list.