Select a panel date from a native query mongodb

Hello friends
I need help. I made the following native query using mongodb:

    "$match": {
        "$and": [
            "$or": [{
                "stages_pre.approach": {
                    "$gte": ISODate("2019-06-28")
            "$or": [
                    "pipedrive.current.11cf43618f9564ade3b4226067a367a7a39de648": "145"
                    "pipedrive.current.11cf43618f9564ade3b4226067a367a7a39de648": "290"
                    "pipedrive.current.11cf43618f9564ade3b4226067a367a7a39de648": "320"
                    "pipedrive.current.11cf43618f9564ade3b4226067a367a7a39de648": "321"
            "$nor": [
                    "pipedrive.current.status": "deleted"
    "$group": {
        "_id": null,
        "count": {
            "$sum": 1
    "$sort": {
        "_id": 1
    "$project": {
        "_id": false,
        "count": true

"$gte": ISODate("2019-06-28")

I need the date to make it dynamic on the panel

When you select the date on the panel, the query result appears.
Can anyone help me?

Hi @saulolago
Metabase does not currently allow filter variables with MongoDB: - go upvote by clicking :+1: on the first post