Sort GA Results

I’m trying to sort a question that is based around Google Analytics, the JSON looks like this:

“ids”: “ga:1234567”,
“start-date”: “2005-01-01”,
“end-date”: “today”,
“metrics”: “ga:totalEvents”,
“dimensions”: “ga:eventLabel”,
“sort”: “ga:eventLabel”,
“filters”: “ga:eventLabel=@foo”,
“include-empty-rows”: false,
“max-results”: 2000

This results in an ascending row chart, but I would prefer to have it descending, how do I change the sort order?

I have tried to follow the GA API but the following doesn’t work either:

“ids”: “ga:1234567”,
“start-date”: “2005-01-01”,
“end-date”: “today”,
“metrics”: “ga:totalEvents”,
“dimensions”: “ga:eventLabel”,
“sortOrder”: “DESCENDING”,
“fieldName”: “ga:totalEvents”
“filters”: “ga:eventLabel=@foo”,
“include-empty-rows”: false,
“max-results”: 10

This can be achieved by prefixing your sort field with ‘-’ so in your case “sort”: “ga:eventLabel” becomes “sort”: “-ga:eventLabel”