The date filter is not filtering in the where clause

SELECT `source`.`id` AS `id`, `source`.`first_name` AS `first_name`, `source`.`mobile` AS `mobile`, `source`.`count` AS `count`, `source`.`count_2` AS `count_2`, `source`.`avg` AS `avg`, `source`.`Ticket %` AS `Ticket %`, `source`.`Biker Late Count` AS `Biker Late Count`, `source`.`Biker Issue Count` AS `Biker Issue Count`
FROM (SELECT `source`.`first_name` AS `first_name`, `source`.`mobile` AS `mobile`, `source`.`id` AS `id`, `source`.`count` AS `count`, `source`.`count_2` AS `count_2`, `source`.`avg` AS `avg`, `source`.`Biker Late Count` AS `Biker Late Count`, `source`.`Biker Issue Count` AS `Biker Issue Count`, ((`source`.`count` / CASE WHEN `source`.`count_2` = 0 THEN NULL ELSE `source`.`count_2` END) * 100) AS `Ticket %` FROM (SELECT `bikers`.`first_name` AS `first_name`, `bikers`.`mobile` AS `mobile`, `bikers`.`id` AS `id`, count(distinct `Tickets`.`id`) AS `count`, count(distinct `Bookings`.`id`) AS `count_2`, avg(`Bookings`.`complete_wash_duration`) AS `avg`, sum(CASE WHEN `Bookings`.`cancel_reasons_id` = 8 THEN 1 ELSE 0.0 END) AS `Biker Late Count`, sum(CASE WHEN `Bookings`.`cancel_reasons_id` = 7 THEN 1 ELSE 0.0 END) AS `Biker Issue Count` FROM `bikers`
LEFT JOIN `bookings` `Bookings` ON `bikers`.`id` = `Bookings`.`biker_id` LEFT JOIN `tickets` `Tickets` ON `Bookings`.`id` = `Tickets`.`booking_id`
where {{created_at}}
GROUP BY `bikers`.`first_name`, `bikers`.`mobile`, `bikers`.`id`
ORDER BY `bikers`.`first_name` ASC, `bikers`.`mobile` ASC, `bikers`.`id` ASC) `source`) `source`
LIMIT 1048575

When I run this code it works, but the where clause doesn't filter data .

What is wrong ?

Hi @Mohammad_Abdallah
You cannot pass-thru values to nested question variables: - upvote by clicking :+1: on the first post