Upgrade your Metabase instance NOW

Actually, I mean for v0.46.6.0 and v0.46.6.1, which is the version released earlier today.
I didn't see the file patchces to be included in v0.46.6.1 version source code.

Considering its Friday, lets make sure to wait at least a little while into the next work week before releasing patch notes. Even if most people have upgraded, there's a good chance some orgs cant accommodate an upgrade right before the weekend. Lets not make sitting ducks out of them :frowning:

we won't release any notes about the issue till a good time has passed, don't worry, please focus on upgrading and if possible help people on the forum who're struggling with it. There are > 50K instances of Metabase around the world that need to be patched

Is there any Metabase(opensource) guide available for an easy upgrade when running on Heroku?

you simply need to grab the buildpack you used for deploying it and upgrade the version there

I came across this document in previous threads, but it appears to be broken: https://www.metabase.com/docs/latest/operations-guide/running-metabase-on-heroku.html#deploying-new-versions-of-metabase.

I found it in this discussion: Update metabase when installed on Heroku.

Is there a new working link available that can provide information on what steps I need to take

@antoniott15 the discussion in Support for Heroku just helped us migrate from buildpacks on Heroku to containers on Heroku, which let us upgrade from v45.x to v46.x. upgrade - Switch to Docker-based deployment of Metabase (>=v0.46) on Heroku - Stack Overflow may also be helpful.

@Luiggi What would be the best way to automatically inform ourselves, as open source users, with future security issues? We now figured out by seeing the blog.

@Luiggi is there any news for the upcomming new version?
I have like 20+ Metabase instances to update, who are all on local networks, so not reachable from outside, and i'm not looking forward to update them all now when you would release v0.47 next week :slight_smile:

Couple of weeks :slight_smile:

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Hello Luiggi.
I updated my metabase instance to version v46.6.1 right now.
But when I try to login, my screen flicks with login screen and stays like this:


Same issue here, downgrading doesn't seem to solve the issue.

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Are you in Latin America and using google sign on? We're seeing some issues with Google's identity service in the region. We just posted about it here if you want to subscribe to the issue for updates: https://status.metabase.com/


thanks cbalusek.
Bookmarking this status page :slight_smile:

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Happening to us as well, people from Argentina, Chile and Brasil are having issues. Thanks!


Yes, cbalusek, we're in Argentina.
Hoping it gets fixed soon, thank you.

Thanks for the link.

Same problem here, from Bolivia

new artifacts here


JAR: https://downloads.metabase.com/enterprise/v1.46.6.2/metabase.jar
Docker image: metabase/metabase-enterprise:v1.46.6.2


JAR: https://downloads.metabase.com/v0.46.6.2/metabase.jar
Docker image: metabase/metabase:v0.46.6.2


JAR: https://downloads.metabase.com/enterprise/v1.45.4.2/metabase.jar
Docker image: metabase/metabase-enterprise:v1.45.4.2


JAR: https://downloads.metabase.com/v0.45.4.2/metabase.jar
Docker image: metabase/metabase:v0.45.4.2

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... and what do they do compared to x.46.6.1? Are they as urgent as .1?
It's on the release page on GitHub:

Bug fixes

  • Google sign-in failing for some geolocations due to Google Identity Services (GSI) client issues (#32602)