Variable in Mysql

Hi guys!
When I try to use variables in a dashboard of a MYSQL database I get the error below:

java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException: (conn=6288616) You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ‘where ass.TS_MOVIMENTACAO = CAST(convert_tz(‘2019-02-20T03:00:00.000’, ‘+00:00’,’ at line 5

SELECT cli.nome_orgao, COUNT(*) FROM assinaturas ass
INNER JOIN cliente cli ON = ass.id_cliente
GROUP BY cli.nome_orgao
where ass.TS_MOVIMENTACAO = {{periodo_movimentacao}}

How to solve it?

Because your GROUP BY is positioned before WHERE.

SELECT cli.nome_orgao, COUNT(*) FROM assinaturas ass
INNER JOIN cliente cli ON = ass.id_cliente
WHERE ass.TS_MOVIMENTACAO = {{periodo_movimentacao}}
GROUP BY cli.nome_orgao

Hi @flamber, muito obrigado!
Fui testando as variaveis e esqueci de ajustar o codigo sql.

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