Why changing value of a variable results a new question

I have a question that url is, with a variable work_date.
I set work_date to a new date range and run query, then I get a new question that url looks like

The problem is that some users are not granted to save the query, so when they download the result, the permission error occurred.

I noticed that this may have something to do with data volume of results.

Can we prevent turning to a new question?

Hi @chen2liang4
Please post “Diagnostic Info” from Admin > Troubleshooting.

[bf21ac52-c5c9-4b16-8e4b-1277f9583e6f] 2020-10-12T21:38:13+08:00 DEBUG metabase.middleware.log POST /api/card/68/query 202 [ASYNC: completed] 287.9 ms (11 DB calls) Jetty threads: 4/50 (2 idle, 0 queued) (84 total active threads) Queries in flight: 0
[bf21ac52-c5c9-4b16-8e4b-1277f9583e6f] 2020-10-12T21:38:22+08:00 DEBUG metabase.middleware.log POST /api/card/68/query 202 [ASYNC: completed] 649.9 ms (14 DB calls) Jetty threads: 4/50 (2 idle, 0 queued) (84 total active threads) Queries in flight: 0
[bf21ac52-c5c9-4b16-8e4b-1277f9583e6f] 2020-10-12T21:38:43+08:00 WARN metabase.query-processor.middleware.process-userland-query 查询失败 {:status :failed,
:class clojure.lang.ExceptionInfo,
:error “没有运行查询的权限”,
("–> query_processor.middleware.permissions$perms_exception.invokeStatic(permissions.clj:23)"
{:type “native”,
:middleware {:userland-query? true, :skip-results-metadata? true},
“select * from mb_qa_result\nwhere [[{{work_date}}–]] 工作日期 >= date_trunc(‘month’, current_date)::DATE “,
:template-tags {:work_date {:id “fd0d9399-f284-23fa-4e95-0e426ea98849”, :name “work_date”, :display-name “工作日期”, :type “dimension”, :dimension [“field-id” 18676], :widget-type “date/range”}}},
:parameters [{:type “date/range”, :target [“dimension” [“template-tag” “work_date”]], :value “2020-09-01~2020-09-10”}],
:async? true,
:cache-ttl nil,
{:executed-by 22,
:context :xlsx-download,
:query-hash [29, 33, 96, 98, 33, 7, -79, -46, 94, 68, -78, -82, 30, 61, 7, 59, 83, 91, 32, -7, -33, 107, -82, -122, 63, 122, -98, 39, 65, -121, -56, 90]}},
{:required-permissions #{”/db/3/native/”},
#{"/collection/20/read/" “/db/3/schema/public/table/1816/” “/collection/55/read/” “/db/3/schema/public/table/1739/” “/collection/26/” “/collection/10/read/” “/db/3/schema/public/table/1820/”
“/db/3/schema/public/table/1817/” “/db/3/schema/public/table/1846/” “/db/3/schema/public/table/1845/” “/db/3/schema/public/table/1783/” “/db/3/schema/public/table/636/”
“/db/3/schema/public/table/1743/” “/db/3/schema/public/table/1821/” “/collection/54/read/” “/collection/42/read/” “/db/3/schema/public/table/1776/” “/db/3/schema/public/table/1781/”
“/db/3/schema/public/table/1779/” “/db/3/schema/public/table/1792/” “/db/3/schema/public/table/1793/” “/db/3/schema/public/table/1818/” “/db/3/schema/public/table/1819/”
“/db/3/schema/public/table/1780/” “/db/3/schema/public/table/563/” “/collection/11/read/” “/db/3/schema/public/table/1741/” “/collection/29/read/” “/collection/68/read/”
“/db/3/schema/public/table/1785/” “/db/3/schema/public/table/1844/” “/db/3/schema/public/table/1782/” “/db/3/schema/public/table/1786/”},
:permissions-error? true}}

[bf21ac52-c5c9-4b16-8e4b-1277f9583e6f] 2020-10-12T21:38:43+08:00 DEBUG metabase.middleware.log POST /api/dataset/xlsx 400 108.4 ms (12 DB calls)

“没有运行查询的权限” means “no permissions to run query”
it required {"/db/3/native/"} permission

@chen2liang4 I was looking for the version information in Admin > Troubleshooting, not the Logs.

@flamber, please see below

“browser-info”: {
“language”: “zh-CN”,
“platform”: “MacIntel”,
“userAgent”: “Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_13_6) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/86.0.4240.75 Safari/537.36”,
“vendor”: “Google Inc.”
“system-info”: {
“java.runtime.name”: “OpenJDK Runtime Environment”,
“java.runtime.version”: “11.0.5+10”,
“java.vendor”: “AdoptOpenJDK”,
“java.vendor.url”: “https://adoptopenjdk.net/”,
“java.version”: “11.0.5”,
“java.vm.name”: “OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM”,
“java.vm.version”: “11.0.5+10”,
“os.name”: “Linux”,
“os.version”: “4.15.0-112-generic”,
“user.language”: “en”,
“user.timezone”: “Asia/Hong_Kong”
“metabase-info”: {
“databases”: [
“hosting-env”: “unknown”,
“application-database”: “postgres”,
“application-database-details”: {
“database”: {
“name”: “PostgreSQL”,
“version”: “10.9 (Debian 10.9-1.pgdg90+1)”
“jdbc-driver”: {
“name”: “PostgreSQL JDBC Driver”,
“version”: “42.2.8”
“run-mode”: “prod”,
“version”: {
“date”: “2020-02-25”,
“tag”: “v0.34.3”,
“branch”: “release-0.34.x”,
“hash”: “1a83edb”
“settings”: {
“report-timezone”: “Asia/Hong_Kong”

@chen2liang4 Latest release is 0.36.7 - I’m fairly sure whatever problem you have was fixed in 0.35.0. Remember to backup before upgrading.

I'm facing the same issue. like here. Exact same issue, when downloading or changing the variable. It changes it into a new question

@Ash If you're not on the latest release, then upgrade: https://github.com/metabase/metabase/releases