Feedback and suggestions for Learn Metabase

We’ve just recently launched Learn Metabase, a collection of courses with articles and videos to help you get even more out of Metabase.

We’ll be steadily adding more content to it over time, but we’d love to hear suggestions and feedback from all of you.

  • What are best practices or vital bits of advice you think other Metabase users should know about?
  • What have you learned about analytics in general or Metabase in particular that should be shared?
  • Are there any interesting or unexpectedly useful ways you’ve seen Metabase used?
  • What features or aspects of Metabase do you think deserve their own tutorial(s)?
  • Are there aspects of “doing data” (ETL, data warehousing, improving query performance, etc.) that you’d like guidance on, or that you’ve seen folks commonly get wrong?

Thanks in advance for your thoughts!


First of all, thank you for such great work!

I think that it would be helpful for folks to have more deep guidance about improving query performance, usage of table indexes and so on for increasing speed of dashboards loading because this is vital.

I saw in your guide what to avoid and what to prefer in writing SQL queries, it’s cool.

Congratulations to the team. One more feather in the cap. It is great to see all the content neatly arranged. This is a great initiative and would differentiate Metabase from other open source projects. This is the sing of a true open source culture.

Thank you.

I think that it would be helpful for folks to have more deep guidance about improving query performance, usage of table indexes and so on for increasing speed of dashboards loading because this is vital.

Thanks for the feedback! Did you find this article called Making dashboards faster? It talks a bit about table indexes etc., but we'd love to know if you think this content could be improved or expanded upon, or if you found it hard to find or oddly categorized/titled.

Hi @maz, I just stumbled upon this and its so great! Its a great resource for future users and analysts. What I find sometimes challenging are manipulation of dates and working with dates in general in SQL.
I am not only thinking about helpful bits how to manipulate dates, like how to find the first day of a month, but also about ideas how to do certain analysis like date to date comparisons or how to use SQL date functions like that.

And I wonder if a section of Learn could focus of world formats, like date formats for different countries, currencies, country/region specific code?
Really look forward to really dig into that new resource!