0.47.8 Dashboard email issue

Java 11, 1MB heap, MB 0.40.8
Email credentials are working elsewhere.
I can email dashboards unless they contain list reports. Any list report inclusion raises "sending failed" replacing the "Sending" text on the Send now button.

hi, so a few things, I guess you meant 47.8 instead of 40.8.

Also, 1MB of heap is too low

can you give me some step by step reproduction for this with the sample database?

I updated to v0.48 and expanded heap to 1200MB.
Now the email is sending, however the two bar charts i have are showing "an error occured while displaying this card." I can see the charts via dashboard on web, but not over email. any thoughts on this one?

Also I cannot save a new question or modify the dashboard, both give failed save msg.
How can I debug this? I checked windows security in the MB folder and all open for read, modify, create.


please send the logs when the subscription is sent so we can see the error

Here's the sequence after clean MB restart
#1 Tried to save an edited dashboard and failed at 10:14am
#2 Aborted save and manually sent subscription at 1017am

the log is larger then the 64K limit so i cannot paste here.
Attachments will not accept .txt nor .htm . How do you want it?


I uninstalled JREv11 (x86) and installed JREv11(x64), ,updating environment vars etc.
The saves and emailed charts are now functional!
I did save the previous failed case log if you still want it. Just tell me how to attach it as .txt, pdf and doc are not supported.