Add a central way to manage subscriptions to all dashboards

When going to a dashboard, we can click the subscription settings and see which users are getting email notifications.

I had to look around after one subscription started bouncing. My first thought was to look through the Admin settings to cancel that email.

Certainly not a major feature, but a nice-to-have.

Maybe Usage Analytics can work for you?

This will give you a list of all the subscriptions, how they're send, how frequently and to whom.
There's other information in those tables if you need it:

SELECT,, pc.channel_type, pc.schedule_type, FROM public.pulse p
inner join pulse_channel pc on = pc.pulse_id
inner join  public.pulse_channel_recipient pcr on = pcr.pulse_channel_id
inner join core_user cu on = pcr.user_id
where p.archived = false