Hi - could you add sankey as a visualization option? I see it in a feature branch waiting to be reviewed here: GitHub - metabase/metabase at feature-sankey-chart
Our devs need to finish that up, that’s why we haven’t merged that yet
Thanks Luiggi! Do you have a timeline for when that will be?
Hi, is there any update on when sankeys will be available?
unfortunately no
Hi, is there any update on this? It would be amazing to have this. Is there any chance it will be done this year?
unfortunately no
Still no sankey?
Really need this feature, hope it can be prioritized and implemented soon.
Can you please provide some ETA on delivery of this feature? Currently we need to decide whether to spend time developing an alternative in Python vs waiting on this.
I have a strong interest in that feature and my company is on Metabase paid plan. How can I express that interest?
Expect sankey!
Any update on this? We have a lot of interest in this.
Adding much interest for Sankey as well!
Let me express my interest for Sankey as well. I strongly believe Sankey is important. My previous company decided to abandon Metabase due to the fact that it doesn't have the capability to visualize Sankey! Fingers crossed
Also eagerly awaiting a Sankey option! Hoping it comes soon...
Only new user accounts are begging for Sankey ? That's a bit obvious...
Need that as well !