Add Sankey Visualization Option

Hi - could you add sankey as a visualization option? I see it in a feature branch waiting to be reviewed here: GitHub - metabase/metabase at feature-sankey-chart


Our devs need to finish that up, that’s why we haven’t merged that yet

Thanks Luiggi! Do you have a timeline for when that will be?

Nope :slightly_frowning_face:

Hi, is there any update on when sankeys will be available?

unfortunately no :frowning:

Hi, is there any update on this? It would be amazing to have this. Is there any chance it will be done this year?

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unfortunately no :frowning:

Still no sankey?

Nope :disappointed:

Really need this feature, hope it can be prioritized and implemented soon. :face_holding_back_tears:

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Can you please provide some ETA on delivery of this feature? Currently we need to decide whether to spend time developing an alternative in Python vs waiting on this.

I have a strong interest in that feature and my company is on Metabase paid plan. How can I express that interest?

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Expect sankey!


Any update on this? We have a lot of interest in this.


Adding much interest for Sankey as well!

Let me express my interest for Sankey as well. I strongly believe Sankey is important. My previous company decided to abandon Metabase due to the fact that it doesn't have the capability to visualize Sankey! Fingers crossed

Also eagerly awaiting a Sankey option! Hoping it comes soon...

Only new user accounts are begging for Sankey ? That's a bit obvious... :upside_down_face:

Need that as well !