Adding default code to variables?

I have a query that was originally hardcoded to pull 90 days prior to the current date, and nothing after the last business day on the previous month. However, I've been asked to change this hardcoding into date variables that users can select, but I want the default to be the coding below. Is this possible?

daterqst>= (CURRENT_DATE - INTERVAL '90 days')
daterqst <= (date_trunc('month', now())::date - 1)

Thank you for any help you can provide!

Hi @saaballergies
You can use Complex Default Value:

daterqst>= [[{{start}} --]] (CURRENT_DATE - INTERVAL '90 days')
daterqst <= [[{{end}} --]] (date_trunc('month', now())::date - 1)

Or just Optional Clauses:

daterqst>= coalesce( [[{{start}},]] (CURRENT_DATE - INTERVAL '90 days') )
daterqst <= coalesce( [[{{end}},]] (date_trunc('month', now())::date - 1) )

Or use use Field Filters with default value with a relative date starting from previous month.