After h2 to postgresql migration login/password Issue on GUI

Hi everybody,

Recently, I migrate my metabase from h2 postgesql with this link :

I use docker-compose :
1 container with metabase:latest ( v0.34.0)
1 container with postgresql:latest (12.1)

after some issues, I did the database migration. It seems to be OK.

Then, I modified my docker-compose accordingly to remove old volume h2 db and change environment variables :

Then I launched my docker-compose and chek if it's OK :

But when I try to login :
Password : did not match stored password

Here's the logs :

"{:errors {:password "did not match stored password"}}"

Did I make a mistake ?

does somebody had the same Issue ?

How can I check directly on postgresql or metabase instance if the mail address/password is working ?

Thanks for Your help.


Whoops. It works after reimport right database