Alert on no results

Hi I have a query I run to determine if a table is being populated recently. Ie

SELECT to_char(ts, 'DD-MM-YYYY HH24:MI:SS') FROM sensors, sensor_values
    WHERE  ILIKE 'bi1%' AND
    AND ts >= (NOW() + INTERVAL '-4 minute')::timestamptz ORDER BY ts DESC LIMIT 1 

I want to setup an alert when this returns no results ie data is older than 4 minutes.
What is the best way to achieve that ? At the moment I can seem to only setup an alert when rows are returned.


This makes total sense. I’ve opened an issue for it here:

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You could so something in SQL that returns no data when there is a match, but a single row when there is no match.
This was done with a sample SQL Server database, but easy enough to modify for your case.

I’m just looking for when there are no customers in a certain country.
First, when I have data:

WHEN (select count(*) from Customer where country = 'USA') = 0 THEN 'Not Found' 
END as find
) a
( SELECT 'Not Found' as find2 ) b on a.find = b.find2

Returns no rows

Then when there is no match (just the country name changed):

WHEN (select count(*) from Customer where country = 'Nonsense') = 0 THEN 'Not Found' 
END as find
) a
( SELECT 'Not Found' as find2 ) b on a.find = b.find2

Returns a single row, so would trigger the alert.

It’s a bit fiddle with the inner join, but otherwise I just ended up with a single row with a value of ‘NULL’

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Thanks for the work around. This gets me out of a spot until the zero row alert is implemented.