"An error occurred" while adding data on a metabase hosted service

Using metabase hosted feature, I am add data to connect to SQL server. I added the following ips to the db’s white list:

I am still getting “An error occurred”. I don’t know how to see what the exact error is. Please help.

Hi @mangqin
Please post “Diagnostic Info” from Admin > Troubleshooting.
Which database type you’re trying to add?
And please check the log for more details - Admin > Troubleshooting > Logs.

I am trying to connect to sqlserver. I am using hosted service. https://3wa.metabaseapp.com/setup, and I am at the step of adding data. Where do I find Admin > Troubleshooting > Logs.

@mangqin Skip the configuration of the database during setup and do it after. And make sure to define the port unless you’re using Dynamic Ports.

Port number was the issue. I thought it default to 1433. Thanks!