Automation of dashboards in Metabase on daily basis using SQL queries

I have to run SQL queries on daily basis to extract data and use those results to create a dashboard. I would like to automate this process i.e. dashboard should create automatically (on daily basis) and the result should be sent automatically across the team through email. Can I do this in Metabase? If yes, then how?

Hi @rahul2712
Yes, you can use subscriptions on dashboards:
And if you're looking to automate creation of dashboards/etc, then you can use the API:

Thanks, @flamber, this helps me a lot in my work.

i'm a new user of metabase and postman, and i have the same request as @rahul2712. I would like to have more details about how we can creat dashboards automatically. I'll be thankful.

The best way is to check the Developer Tools Network tab while creating stuff from the GUI and see what requests are being sent. Then try to replicate programmatically