Avoid initial DB sync (on new connection)

Is there a way to avoid that initial database syncronization when a new connection is created? We have a singular situation which we do not have access to table/schema names exploration but we need to connect it to metabase to run some queries and report scheduling.

Hi @flunardelli
I don't think I understand. Why can't you add the database even if you don't have any schemas/tables?
You could always manually add the database directly to metabase_database in the application database.

Great @flamber. I will check metabase database and manually create the connection. My point it's, when I add a new db connection, Metabase starts a sync process automactly, and I can't cancel it.

@flunardelli See the workaround here: https://github.com/metabase/metabase/issues/20863