AWS Athena Table Not Found during Custom SQL

I am very confused.

I have a table in AWS Athena that is visible in the admin settings

moreover, I can make queries on it using the "normal" metabase question procedure. However, the custom SQL portion of metabase cant seem to connect?

moreover, i cannot even seem to view any tables

Any clue what is going on?

for those reading this in the future

  1. you have to specify the database and the table (the query tool will not have the database name pre-loaded)
  2. it seems like the oracle syntax is used

so something like

select * from my-database-name . my-table


Also to give an extra hint ... if you do a normal question and then do "turn this question to SQL" you will see how metabase is running the query at SQL level

is this an enterprise feature? i am not seeing this option anywhere

No it's in the question editor

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