Basic Authentication

Hey, I am trying to enable Basic Authentication for Metabase. Is there a way to get Jetty to prompt for a user name and password before loading Metabase?

I just embed dashboards in IIS for the security. If you only want embedded, that’s the easiest approach. To do the whole Jetty security, take a look at:

Thanks Andrew.
I noticed a similar note on another website but it was not as explanatory as this.
I will give it a try.


If it helps, can you write something up on here to explain how to do it? Metabase is the first time I’ve come across Jetty.

I will do my best if i get it to work :slight_smile:

It’s a little more complicated that it seems.
I was leaning more to edit the meta-in>maven>org.eclipse.jetty>jetty-server but not sure so if someone can give some direction on which pom / xml files we can edit i think your link and the one below should be able to help:
