Bins not working on version on v0.43.4

Hello, I created a question and grouped using bins. The question worked fine the first time around but after a day of saving the question I get this error.

After inspecting the question, I notice that there is no binning option for the column that I selected:

The logs display the following:

[14fff1f1-60b3-4011-95af-16b7221eace1] 2022-07-06T09:06:06-05:00 ERROR metabase.query-processor.middleware.catch-exceptions Error procesando consulta: Unable to bin Field without a min/max value
{:database_id 2,
 :started_at #t "2022-07-06T09:06:02.615485-05:00[America/Guayaquil]",
 [{:status :failed,
   :class clojure.lang.ExceptionInfo,
   :error "Unable to bin Field without a min/max value",
   ["--> query_processor.middleware.binning$update_binning_strategy_in_inner_query$replace_40418__40419.invoke(binning.clj:214)"
   :ex-data {:clause [:field "Ventas" {:binning {:strategy :default}, :base-type :type/Float}]}}],
 :error_type :invalid-query,
 {:constraints {:max-results 10000, :max-results-bare-rows 2000},
  :type :query,
  :middleware {:js-int-to-string? true, :ignore-cached-results? false},
  :database 2,
  {:source-table "card__39",
    [:!= [:field "Ventas" {:base-type :type/Float}] 0]
    [:time-interval [:field "created_at" {:base-type :type/DateTimeWithLocalTZ}] :current :month]],
   [[:cum-sum [:field "Ventas" {:base-type :type/Float}]]
     [:percentile [:field "Ventas" {:base-type :type/Float}] 0.25]
     {:name "25%", :display-name "25%"}]
     [:percentile [:field "Ventas" {:base-type :type/Float}] 0.5]
     {:name "50%", :display-name "50%"}]
     [:percentile [:field "Ventas" {:base-type :type/Float}] 0.75]
     {:name "75%", :display-name "75%"}]],
   :breakout [[:field "Ventas" {:binning {:strategy :default}, :base-type :type/Float}]]},
  :parameters [],
  :async? true,
  :cache-ttl 18},
 :native nil,
 :status :failed,
 :class clojure.lang.ExceptionInfo,
 ["--> query_processor.middleware.binning$fn__40133$extract_bounds__40138$fn__40139.invoke(binning.clj:49)"
 :card_id 1057,
 :context :dashboard,
 :error "Unable to bin Field without a min/max value",
 :row_count 0,
 :running_time 0,
 :preprocessed nil,
 {:type :invalid-query,
  :field-id nil,
  {:global {:distinct-count 0, :nil% nil},
   :type {:type/Number {:min nil, :q1 nil, :q3 nil, :max nil, :sd nil, :avg nil}}}},
 :data {:rows [], :cols []}}

Hi @rviteri
Metabase gets the fingerprinting information used for the binning from upstream, so that would either by table sync metadata or question result metadata. In your case, it's coming from question 39.
So I'm guessing that something in question 39 changed, which then broke downstream questions.

Include the output of /api/card/39

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"nil%": null
"type": {
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"base_type": "type/Text",
"effective_type": "type/Text",
"semantic_type": null,
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"nil%": null
"type": {
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"semantic_type": null,
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"name": "Lib",
"base_type": "type/Text",
"effective_type": "type/Text",
"semantic_type": null,
"fingerprint": {
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"distinct-count": 0,
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"type/Text": {
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"percent-url": null,
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"base_type": "type/Text",
"effective_type": "type/Text",
"semantic_type": null,
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"type": {
"type/Text": {
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"percent-url": null,
"percent-email": null,
"percent-state": null,
"average-length": null
"display_name": "saldo",
"field_ref": [
"base-type": "type/Decimal"
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"base_type": "type/Decimal",
"effective_type": "type/Decimal",
"semantic_type": null,
"fingerprint": {
"global": {
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"nil%": null
"type": {
"type/Number": {
"min": null,
"q1": null,
"q3": null,
"max": null,
"sd": null,
"avg": null
"display_name": "abono",
"field_ref": [
"base-type": "type/Float"
"name": "abono",
"base_type": "type/Float",
"effective_type": "type/Float",
"semantic_type": null,
"fingerprint": {
"global": {
"distinct-count": 0,
"nil%": null
"type": {
"type/Number": {
"min": null,
"q1": null,
"q3": null,
"max": null,
"sd": null,
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"field_ref": [
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"name": "descuento",
"base_type": "type/Float",
"effective_type": "type/Float",
"semantic_type": null,
"fingerprint": {
"global": {
"distinct-count": 0,
"nil%": null
"type": {
"type/Number": {
"min": null,
"q1": null,
"q3": null,
"max": null,
"sd": null,
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"display_name": "Ventas",
"field_ref": [
"base-type": "type/Float"
"name": "Ventas",
"base_type": "type/Float",
"effective_type": "type/Float",
"semantic_type": null,
"fingerprint": {
"global": {
"distinct-count": 0,
"nil%": null
"type": {
"type/Number": {
"min": null,
"q1": null,
"q3": null,
"max": null,
"sd": null,
"avg": null
"display_name": "Total",
"field_ref": [
"base-type": "type/Float"
"name": "Total",
"base_type": "type/Float",
"effective_type": "type/Float",
"semantic_type": null,
"fingerprint": {
"global": {
"distinct-count": 0,
"nil%": null
"type": {
"type/Number": {
"min": null,
"q1": null,
"q3": null,
"max": null,
"sd": null,
"avg": null
"display_name": "TPago",
"field_ref": [
"base-type": "type/Text"
"name": "TPago",
"base_type": "type/Text",
"effective_type": "type/Text",
"semantic_type": null,
"fingerprint": {
"global": {
"distinct-count": 0,
"nil%": null
"type": {
"type/Text": {
"percent-json": null,
"percent-url": null,
"percent-email": null,
"percent-state": null,
"average-length": null
"display_name": "Emp",
"field_ref": [
"base-type": "type/Text"
"name": "Emp",
"base_type": "type/Text",
"effective_type": "type/Text",
"semantic_type": null,
"fingerprint": {
"global": {
"distinct-count": 0,
"nil%": null
"type": {
"type/Text": {
"percent-json": null,
"percent-url": null,
"percent-email": null,
"percent-state": null,
"average-length": null
"display_name": "Vendedor",
"field_ref": [
"base-type": "type/Text"
"name": "Vendedor",
"base_type": "type/Text",
"effective_type": "type/Text",
"semantic_type": null,
"fingerprint": {
"global": {
"distinct-count": 0,
"nil%": null
"type": {
"type/Text": {
"percent-json": null,
"percent-url": null,
"percent-email": null,
"percent-state": null,
"average-length": null
"display_name": "Comision",
"field_ref": [
"base-type": "type/Decimal"
"name": "Comision",
"base_type": "type/Decimal",
"effective_type": "type/Decimal",
"semantic_type": null,
"fingerprint": {
"global": {
"distinct-count": 0,
"nil%": null
"type": {
"type/Number": {
"min": null,
"q1": null,
"q3": null,
"max": null,
"sd": null,
"avg": null
"display_name": "Porcentaje",
"field_ref": [
"base-type": "type/Float"
"name": "Porcentaje",
"base_type": "type/Float",
"effective_type": "type/Float",
"semantic_type": null,
"fingerprint": {
"global": {
"distinct-count": 0,
"nil%": null
"type": {
"type/Number": {
"min": null,
"q1": null,
"q3": null,
"max": null,
"sd": null,
"avg": null
"creator": {
"email": "",
"first_name": "Ricardo",
"last_login": "2022-07-06T14:09:18.805363Z",
"is_qbnewb": false,
"is_superuser": true,
"id": 1,
"last_name": "Viteri",
"date_joined": "2018-08-30T07:33:29.336Z",
"common_name": "Ricardo Viteri"
"can_write": true,
"database_id": 2,
"enable_embedding": false,
"collection_id": null,
"query_type": "native",
"name": "Tabla maestra REDUCIDA",
"last_query_start": "2022-07-06T13:10:18.248266Z",
"dashboard_count": 0,
"average_query_time": 2578.743455497382,
"creator_id": 1,
"moderation_reviews": [],
"updated_at": "2022-07-05T16:19:37.867663Z",
"made_public_by_id": null,
"embedding_params": null,
"cache_ttl": null,
"dataset_query": {
"native": {
"query": "SELECT \r\,\r\nT.created_at,\r\nT.fecha AS \"Fecha\",\r\nT.orden_trabajo,\r\nCONCAT( P.apellidos,  ' ',P.nombre ) AS \"Paciente\", \r\nA.cedula AS cedula_doctor,\r\nCONCAT( A.apellidos,  ' ', A.nombre ) AS \"Doctor\",\r\nB.asociado,\r\nL.nombre AS \"Laboratorio\",\r\ncase when PD.liberado = 1 then '1' else '0' END \"Lib\",\r\ncase when PD.pagado = 1 then '1' else '0' END \"P\",\r\nROUND(ABS(coalesce(PD.saldo, 0) - coalesce(PD.abono, 0) -  coalesce(PD.desc,0))::numeric, 2) AS \"saldo\",  \r\nPD.abono as Abono,\r\ncoalesce(PD.desc,0) as Descuento,\r\n(ABS(coalesce(PD.saldo, 0) - coalesce(PD.abono, 0) -  coalesce(PD.desc,0)) + coalesce(PD.abono,0)) as \"Ventas\",\r\nvalor_total \"Total\",\r\nF.abreviatura as \"TPago\",\r\nPD.empresa as \"Emp\",\r\n(\r\nSELECT CONCAT( M.apellidos,  ' ', M.nombre )\r\nFROM adm_user M\r\nWHERE = B.id_vendedor\r\n) AS  \"Vendedor\",\r\n-- ABS(ROUND((PD.saldo -  nullif(PD.desc,0))*(C.porcentaje/100),2))  AS Comision,\r\nABS(ROUND(((coalesce(PD.saldo, 0) -  coalesce(PD.desc,0))*(C.porcentaje/100))::numeric,2))  AS \"Comision\",\r\nC.porcentaje AS \"Porcentaje\"\r\nFROM test_completo T\r\nINNER JOIN pagos_detalles PD ON PD.id_test_completo =\r\nINNER JOIN adm_empresa L ON T.id_empresa =\r\nINNER JOIN adm_user A ON T.id_doctor =\r\nINNER JOIN adm_user_doctor B ON =\r\nINNER JOIN comisiones C ON = B.id_comisiones\r\nINNER JOIN pacientes P ON = T.id_paciente\r\nLEFT JOIN forma_pago F ON  PD.tipopago = F.idformapago\r\n/*INNER JOIN registro_pagos R ON R.id_pagos_detalles =*/\r\n/*WHERE YEAR(T.fecha) = YEAR(CURDATE()) - 1*/\r\nORDER BY id  desc",
"template-tags": {}
"type": "native",
"database": 2
"id": 39,
"display": "table",
"last-edit-info": {
"id": 338,
"email": "",
"first_name": "Erick",
"last_name": "Garcia",
"timestamp": "2022-06-16T22:04:35.800876Z"
"visualization_settings": {
"table.pivot_column": "Emp",
"table.cell_column": "Ventas"
"collection": null,
"dataset": false,
"created_at": "2018-09-06T20:52:38.099Z",
"public_uuid": null

@rviteri Try going to /question/39, which should update all the fingerprints, when the query is executed. I don't know why it has lost its fingerprints, but perhaps there was a query error at one point.

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