Blogger - Integration

I would like to add a metabase dashboard to my blog (blogger) but it’s not working (error message).
Do you know how to add it ?
Have you ever tried ?
Thank you

What error message are you getting? Are you using the embed code generated by Metabase?

Sorry it’s in French :

Cette page contient des ressources HTTP qui peuvent générer du contenu mixte affectant la sécurité et l'expérience utilisateur si le blog est consulté via HTTPS.
Corriger    Ignorer    En savoir plus 
iframe allowtransparency="" frameborder="0" height="600" src="http://localhost:13319/public/dashboard/82e67b75-d676-4ce4-9b76-b89525d34802" width="800"

Yes I’m using the embed code generated by Metabse.

Maybe it’s because I’m using SQlite and local database (for testing) ? If I use directly the link it’s working.

Thank you

This looks like a Blogger error rather than a Metabase one, and it seems to not like the fact that the embed URL is HTTP instead of HTTPS? Maybe just try changing the iframe’s src to https instead of http.