Bug: Data truncation: Data too long for columen "results" at row1

Hi there,
I use metabase v0.25 and have a SQL query with a lot of columns, a lot of them are text columns with standard length of 255 digits.

When I want to execute the query, I get the error message: “Data truncation: Data too long for column ‘results’ at row 1”.

What I did then is to cut all text fields with “length(fieldname,50)” to reduce the length per text field. Executing the query then works, I get a result.

BUT: when I save the query and open in again (going to the collection, clicking on the query) the same error message appears.
When I then again change the length number in SQL (even making the numbers bigger) I can again execute the query. But after saving and opening it again the error message appears again.

Thanks, Eva

Hi again, this is still a bug in v0.28.1

See this:

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Ah great! thanks :slight_smile: