Building slide decks automatically from Metabase

Hi All! We're looking for a way to automate our business reviews that use Metabase charts. Is there a way to export Metabase charts automatically to slide decks?

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Did you try Rollstack?

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Interesting, didn't know Rollstack. Do you know if they support Metabase?

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Been using rollstack for metabase to powerpoint. TY!

Yes they do support metabase to powerpoint.

Got it, thank you! I found their Metabase to slides page on Rollstack's site. Very cool.

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You're welcome. Have a nice weekend. Cheers.

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Thanks for the lead on Rollstack, Paul. Any other tools you love?

Bumping my last question up @paulitodu92 :grinning:

@mehtap ha, dbt is the most impactful. Self serve modelling really gets more people agency is using better data.

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Couldn't agree more on dbt. Very carefully testing gpt 4o has been really fascinating.

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Yeah, kind of goes without saying. Definitely feels like a new frontier -- do you know anyone using MS CoPilot of Salesforce/Tableau Einstein? Gemini?

Not really. There still needs to be deeper evaluations on security and compliance.

I just saw a thread on Reddit about this. This comment in particular (if real), was a good run down of practical applications of AI right now (Mid-2024).

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Just seeing this now. Yeah, interesting discussion about practical applications.