Buscando freelancer de Metabase - URGENTE


Estamos criando nossos primeiros dashboards com o Metabase e precisamos de ajuda imediata.

Atuação como freelancer, remoto, flexibilidade de horário, part time, trabalho pontual. Podemos pensar em algo no formato de mentoring se não tiver muita disponibilidade.

Nosso banco de origem é MySQL.

Interessados, fv me procurar no privado ou vai skype anateresavic.

Ana Teresa

I think it should help if you post in english :slight_smile:

Dear Timothy,

Thank you for answer!

I have some doubts, maybe you can help me.

a) Is it necessary to create a star schema ou snowfake
model to use filter in dashboard that apply for all questions?

b) I created a question that has only one number (one count). How do I get influenced by field type dashboard filters, since columns don't exist in the question, just as a where condition?

c) how do I have 3 filters of dahboards, for example: product group, product line and product and have a question that automatically adds values ​​or drills down?

d) I realized that it has the x-ray function. how can I block it so my user doesn't have access to it?


Ana Teresa

@ana.teresa976 I would recommend that you search the forum and read the documentation. There are a lot of information.

a) Don't know what a "star schema" is

b+c) Have a look at the documentation:

d) https://www.metabase.com/docs/latest/users-guide/14-x-rays.html#disabling-x-rays

Thank you for the links.